Teaching kids the right lessons about wildlife

August 1, 2024

As wildlife rehabbers and nature enthusiasts, we know how important it is to teach kids to be kind and empathetic to animals. Many people believe that allowing children to “help” raise a wild animal will be a rewarding experience.


The intentions may be good, but appropriate care for wild animals is significantly different than caring for domestic pets and farm animals. (Also, it's against Tennessee law.) Sadly, the animal is the one who pays the price for inexperience. Professional wildlife rehabbers are often contacted when something goes wrong, by which time it’s usually too late.


This scenario is all-too common. We believe the best lesson to share with kids is that wild animals are not pets, experiments, possessions, or social media props. Bringing the animal to a licensed rehab demonstrates respect for a being that was meant to live wild and free.


It can be hard to do the right thing, but kids are far more perceptive than they get credit for.

Thank you for being a friend to wildlife!